The AAP advances child health and pediatrician priorities by mobilizing and engaging passionate individuals through various member groups.

Engaging with AAP communities allows you to customize your member experience to meet your needs and find your unique place in the AAP.

AAP Councils, Sections and Committees

Join a Council
Councils develop policy, educational opportunities and advocacy initiatives and translate policy and education into practice.
Join a Section
Sections provide unique educational and networking opportunities around shared subspecialties, surgical specialties, special areas of interest or career stage.
Learn about Committees
National committees develop AAP policies and programs and work to achieve Academy goals and objectives.

AAP Chapters & Districts

Join Your Chapter
Chapter membership offers numerous opportunities for education, leadership and involvement in state and local advocacy.
Chapter Websites
Each chapter is independently incorporated and maintains a website with information about key state initiatives and how you can get involved.
AAP District Map
Find your district.
Executive Directors
Directory of Chapter Executive Directors and contact list (login required).

Publish with the AAP

The AAP is the leading publisher of award-winning professional and consumer resources for pediatricians, child health professionals, parents, and more.


Get Involved Through the AAP Volunteer Network