Goal A Goal B Goal C

Learners will understand the importance of and be able to teach the new breastfeeding parent of a healthy, term infant, the 3 key breastfeeding educational components described below.

Resident Objectives

  1. Identify normal nutritional parameters for the term infant.
  2. Evaluate positioning and latch-on.
  3. Demonstrate hand expression.


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Essential Activities

  1. Show videos from Global Health Media Project including: Breastfeeding Attachment, How to Express Breastmilk, and Positions for Breastfeeding.
  2. Show students all of the Stanford breastfeeding videos including Successful Breastfeeding Begins Right at Birth, The Perfect Latch, and Hand Expression of Breastmilk.
  3. Have learners teach at least 3 new parents about proper breastfeeding technique and benefits.

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