For many families, potentially traumatic events can affect a child's health and behavior. Events like these are referred to as ACEs―Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)―and they are more common than you may think. Fortunately, we also know that safe, stable, nurturing relationships with caring adults can buffer children from some of this harm and prevent ACEs from happening in the first place.

Positive childhood experiences can create the safe, stable and nurturing environment children and adolescents need to thrive. This doesn’t have to be done by just a parent or caregiver, other adults can provide these experiences as well which is why we are encouraging parents and caregivers to #findyour3 for their children and adolescents: 3 people or 3 community resources that can provide support to children and adolescents. 

Use these sample messages with the graphics and resources below to share information on social media and in other networks to prevent ACEs by helping parents create positive childhood experiences.

All posts should include the hashtag #Findyour3 and #PreventACEs.

This campaign was supported by the Cooperative Agreement Number, NU38OT000282, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the AAP and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.

Social Media Graphics

Social Media Graphic

When Kids Feel Safe and Loved, They Can thrive

Social Media Graphic

Having Fun Together Helps Kids Thrive

Social Media Graphic

Caring for Yourself

Social Media Graphic

Parenting is Hard. You’re Not Alone.

Social Media Graphic

Who Likes to Feel Safe and Loved?

Social Media Graphic

Babies Thrive When You…

Social Media Graphic

Toddlers and Preschoolers Thrive When You…

Social Media Graphic

School-age Kids Thrive When You…

Social Media Graphic

Teens Thrive When You…


Tips to Help Baby’s Brain Development

Tips to Create a Good Bedtime Routine

Tips to Help Kids Manage Stress

Effective Discipline

Importance of Playing

Connecting with a Book Articles

Ask the Pediatrician: Is it OK to need a break from my kids?

Childhood Adversity: Buffering Stress & Building Resilience

Creating Positive Experiences For Your Infant

Creating Positive Experiences for Toddlers and Preschool-Age Children

Creating Positive Experiences for School-Age Children​

Creating Positive Experiences for Teens


Printable Poster

How to Care for Yourself

Printable Poster

How to Help Kids Feel Safe and Loved

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics