
Parent-Infant Dyad Community Resource Mapping

The community resource mapping identifies community partners and financial services, such as Early Intervention (EI) Women, Children, and Infants (WIC), mental health services, OUD and addiction recovery services, legal counsel, home visiting, food security, housing and, domestic violence shelters.

Pediatricians offering health care services within the medical home model are in a unique position to identify and convene multidisciplinary community partners and provide integrated child- and family-centered care to parent-infant dyads affected by opioid use. Mapping resources at practice level is essential, as many resources are neighborhood-based and are not always community wide. Through effective strategies pediatricians can develop mini infrastructures for their own practices. The goal is to identify community partners and connect birth parents and foster/kinship caregivers with comprehensive pediatric and adult clinical services.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics