​Section Membership is open to the following Member types:

  • Candidate Members
  • Corresponding Fellows
  • Fellows
  • Fellowship Trainees
  • Honorary Fellows
  • International Members
  • Medical Students
  • National Affiliates
  • Residents
  • Senior Members
  • Specialty Fellows

Medical Students and Residents- $10*
Fellowship Trainees and National Affiliates- $0*
All other accepted national member types - $55*
Section Affiliates - $30
*In addition to national dues​

Section Affiliate Membership

Health professionals in a related field (registered nurses, nurse practitioners and respiratory therapists). Must be actively involved in some aspect of the study or care of critically ill infants, children or adolescents.
International physicians not eli​​​gible for AAP International Membership.​

Affiliate applicants must submit two letters of recommendation from Fellows who are members of the Section on Critical Care.

For more information about this section, click here. ​


Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics